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Sheffield Yoga for ME/CFS have made an arrangement for anyone in the group to use the Sheffield ME Group Library. Books can either be sent by post or you can call in their office at certain times. Books sent by post will be sent free of charge, but you will need to pay for the return postage.

The library service is for anyone on our mailing list, whether or not you attend the yoga classes (it is not necessary to be a member of the Sheffield ME Group).

For more information and a list of books and tapes please contact

Sheffield ME Group
The Circle
22 Rockingham Lane
S1 4FW

Tel:          (0114) 253 6700
Web:        www.sheffieldmegroup.co.uk
Email:      info@sheffieldmegroup.co.uk

The library contains

  • a range of books, videos on ME, CFS and postviral disorders

  • some general reading books and talking books

  • yoga books and tapes, many designed for those with ME/CFS

  • a wide selection of yoga nidra, relaxation and meditation tapes/CDs

Many of the yoga, relaxation and yoga nidra items mentioned in the book, tape, CD reveiws which have been given to Sheffield Yoga for ME/CFS members have been placed in the library. The reviews can be downloaded from the links below

Sheffield Yoga for ME/CFS
January 2010

Funded by the The Talbot Trusts, South Yorkshire Community Foundation Comic Relief, People's Health Trust, Sheffield Church Burgesses Trust, Freshgate Trust Foundation, The Brelms Trust, J G Graves Charitable Trust, Sheffield Town Trust, Gay and Peter Hartley's Hillards Charitable Trust and National Lottery Community Fund Awards for All.

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Registered Charity No. 1117464